Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day Two Complete

Good Evening! This is Kal H, Jon W, and Peter B (Rich B's Brother). We visited Arniquet and Port-Salut Orphanages today.

We had our busiest day yet seeing around 220 kids plus some adults providing continued nutritional support and antibiotics. Liz, Marianna, Nichole P, Nicole S and Mariam provided teeth cleaning for over 100 kids. Mike, Britney and Chase extracted over 30 molars as well. A very productive day! We worked for about 7 hours. We were incredibly blessed with a great lunch (at 3pm... Haitian Time) of fish, lobster, rice and black beans. God blessed us tremendously with a breeze and clouds this afternoon which was very restoring.

What we are finding is that there are very different needs at each orphanage. Some lack water while others lack food. The orphans visited this morning had severe malnutrition, were underweight, and a few had hair that had changed color to light orange because of severe dehydration. There were also several upper respiratory track infections.

The primary issue at the second orphanage was severe scabies with secondary infections. Beth, Erin, Ronnie and Matt had the pleasure of disinfecting their wounds and bandaging the worst ones. Doctor Gil actually had to lance a large abscess on upper arm of a 10 year old. Plenty of antibiotics were provided. Rich and Megan did yet another great job in the pharmacy.

Jon had a totally different experience from the rest of us as he suffered from a certain 'Haitian Sensation' which kept him at the mission house today. After feeling better, Jon walked around the village, discovering the incredible resourcefulness of the Haitians, from cleaning laundry to making food to constructing shelter. Americans generally live indoors, walled-in and isolated; Haitians live outdoors in relational community with family and friends.

What a great privilege it is to allow God to work through us to renew and restore this part of God's creation in doing our best to fix what is broken. These children are precious and the issues they suffer from are simple to address with consistent help from all of us who have more than plenty. Water, food, basic first aid and antibiotics would totally change their life. They are simply dehydrated and malnourished; we complain about what we have to eat and throw food in the garbage every night after dinner.

A tremendous task, but we have no choice but to act as Christians in renewing and restoring what God has made. God is on the move in Haiti and we pray God will be on the move at our home churches as well. Sacrifice over safety and security!

Tomorrow: Casa Major: 240 orphans to serve!


  1. This is so great to be updated. Glad to hear that Dr. Mike is keeping busy doing what he loves to do. He's actually quite good at electrical wiring too...Sounds like the doctors are running a very efficient medical practice...guess it helps not to have to deal with all the paperwork. Wondering if Nurse Bobbi is assisting the doctors and getting on the job training...Had a great service Sun.
    Tullian preached the "Loser" sermon...how God uses the defeated and weak to do amazing things. So, if you're feeling a bit weak, you're in good company with the Apostle Paul who boasted in his weakness knowing that the power of God would be evident to all. Brent, stay hydrated so you can continue your soccer mission. Jon W, my heart goes out to you...You are certainly entering into their world. We love you guys. Lisa S.

  2. Hi Beba (Mariana)
    I just read the report on Tuesday's work.
    Tia will be proud to know what you did today!
    Next year can we go together?
    I love you

  3. Hi team! I love reading these updates. Reading them has brightened my day. You are all doing incredible work in Haiti....blessing those who need help and in turn being blessed. Hearts and lives will be changed because of the work you are all doing. God is working through each one of you. What an honor to be used by the living God! Matt, I miss you so much and so do the girls. I love you!

  4. Dear Team:
    Thanks for the faithful updates. It is very exciting to hear how God is using you all in Haiti.
    To Kelsey: we miss you and are praying for you each day! How are you? Love, Mom

    Blessings to all, Sheri Geer

  5. To all the CRPC Deacons and Deaconesses (Did I say that?) serving abroad:

    Boy, do I miss you (especially last night)! It is so encouraging to know how much good can be done in a sinful world when we die to self and serve others. What you all are doing is putting feet to your faith and it glorifies God in the process. The Diaconate prayed for you all and for those you are serving. May you continue to make God's name great in that part of the world and be filled with God's Holy fire for when you return! God Bless you all!

    P.S. With all the teeth extractions being done, that's some serious Tooth Fairy coin!
